Thank you for purchasing Take Charge! for your students. Your email receipt has a link at the top (boxed in red below) which will allow you, as the teacher, to register an account with the course. We will be automatically notified of your enrolment and will send you a link to an enrolment spreadsheet for the number of students you have paid for as shown on your receipt. Please complete the name and email fields for each student. All details you enter will be held in confidence and used only for the purposes of granting students access to the course.
Please ensure you remind students to check their spam folder, and if you have provided the students’ school email addresses, check with your IT department that the domains and are not flagged to junk.
Once you have submitted the form each student will be emailed her/his welcome email and invited to log in to the course. Students will each have a personal, password-protected, access to the course.
We will email you when the student enrolment is finalised
The course consists of 10 lessons, comprising a video presentation and online worksheet. Each online lesson also prompts students to dig deeper into the topic, and their responses, in the Say It Again journal.
In the meantime, we have provided links to the course PDF materials (below) for your information.
Teacher’s Guide (This is not required for the individual course but it will give you an overview of what the students will be working with and what outcomes to expect.)
Say It Again journal (each student will download this as a tool to revisit the context and work on further application of the material to their own circumstances).
If you have any questions please drop us an email at or phone Graham on 0416 280 400.