Make the program work best for you!
It is particularly beneficial, especially on his first visit to a school, for Graham to speak to all three key stakeholder groups: students, teachers and parents. Many schools have used the following program with success.A great benefit of this program is that the enthusiasm of students and staff who hear Graham during the days leading up to the parent seminar (either Understanding Your Teenager or Living With Your Teenager) generates increased attendance by parents – often the hardest group to reach.
[one_third padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]
4 x 1 hour whole grade student assemblies (years 9-12 or 8-11)
2 x 1 hour student assemblies (years 9 & 10) Plus a half day workshop with years 11 and/or 12
1 hour after school PD session to affirm and inform staff on the issues of pastoral care and boost morale.
Australia’s leading parenting events. Either “Understanding Your Teenager” or “Living With Your Teenager” Both are highly entertaining and incredibly helpful 2 hour seminars.[/one_third] [one_third padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]
Common Variations
Spread the student input over two days with a parent seminar on the evening of the 2nd day.
Run a full day session with one of the senior grades (12, 11 or 10)
Prepare your students to lead the school (in term 4 for year 11s or term 1 for year 12s: Run a half or full day session with the entire cohort followed by the half day leadership program with the student leaders (or those wishing to be student leaders)[/one_third] [one_third padding=”0 4px 0 4px”]OR
Have the staff program as a full or half day professional workshop as a follow-up to the student sessions.
We are happy to tailor any of the programs, in terms of content or timing, to suit a school’s particular requirements.[/one_third]