Students Overview

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Around 35,000 students in year 8 through 12 hear Graham each year in 1 hour sessions, half day workshops and full day and camp programs. The themes of the presentations are relationships, resilience, leadership, responsibility, safety, clarification of future and goal setting, personal motivation, and more.

Single Session Presentations

Graham has a range of high quality, powerful, sessions designed to be presented to whole of year assemblies in a single period. Ideally the sessions run for 1 hour but can be adjusted to run for between 45 and 70 minutes. The sessions are full of energy, entertainment and ideas. More …

Half & Full Day Programs

Combine Graham’s input themes with small group work and games to maximise the impact of sessions. Particularly suited for Senior School (Years 10-12) Half Day and Full Day programs enable the group to be immersed in the ideas and inspired by the experience as well as the content.

Camps & Retreats

Take advantage of Graham’s enormous skill in understanding the issues that motivate teenagers and the processes that engage them. Use his presentations, workshops and games to provide program content for your camp or retreat that will bond and enthuse your cohort while inspiring and entertaining every individual in it. More information


Relationships Relationships
You Are Not Alone The foundation topic for all of Graham’s presentations that provides challenges & ideas about building strong relationships, especially with parents & peers.
Self Esteem Self Esteem
Stand Tall An hilarious and challenging look at the factors that strip a teen’s self esteem, and how to overcome them. Consumerism, peer pressure, media influences, body image and adolescence itself.
Motivation Motivation
Take Charge Best for years 10-12, a powerful presentation what really matters in achieving goals, and the pitfalls to avoid. Covers sacrifice, time management, effort, persistence, attitudes for success and action.
Leadership Leadership
More Than a Badge a full (or half) day leadership training event especially designed for school leaders. Particular emphases on servant leadership, exploiting all gifts, goal setting and planning
Risk & Resilience Risk & Resilience
Danger Zone A hard hitting, honest and sometimes confronting expose of the greatest risk areas of teenage life: romance, substances, procrastination and relationships
Transition to 11/12 Transition to 11/12
“Survive! A full day event to prepare 16 year olds for the critical issues they will face in Years 11 & 12.
Transition to 7/8 Transition to 7/8
Life’s A Jungle A full day program to inform, equip and bond students as they begin the new world of high school life.
And students say? And students say?
Everything was great! Super funny and super informative.
It was really entertaining, not just lots of information all in one hit. This grabbed everyone’s attention really well and made us all remember what we were told More ..
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